Columbia Union News

Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Two committee members representing Allegheny East Conference spoke to the importance of proceeding with caution when making decisions about reopening churches and schools.
Gina Brown, dean of the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences at Howard University in Washington, D.C., shared that mental illness is on the rise and urged church members not to ignore it. In addition, she added, “Our senior [citizens] are significantly lonely, and everybody is being hit [by the isolation].”
Columbia Union Executive Committee members meet on Zoom

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Members of the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee gathered last week via Zoom to discuss and reflect on the church’s work over the last two months. The main topic? How COVID-19 has impacted the mission and ministry across the eight-state territory.

Dan Jackson, president of the North American Division (NAD), shared a worship thought on Ruth. “There is a tempest blowing in our land. There is desolation in many places, but we have the hope, the faith and the promise that we may shelter under the wings of the Almighty with our kinsman redeemer, Jesus Christ,’’ he said.

Au cours de la réunion du mois de mars du Comité Exécutif de l’Union de Fédérations de Columbia, les membres ont voté de retourner la somme de 50 000 dollars à chaque Fédération, ainsi qu’à l’Université Adventiste de Washington à Takoma Park, dans le Maryland. Ces entités peuvent utiliser cet argent pour les projets qu’elles jugent appropriés.

« Nous croyons au partage des bénédictions de Dieu avec nos entités », a déclaré Emmanuel Asiedu, trésorier de l’Union de Columbia. « [Nous] voulons rendre 550 000 dollars à nos entités pour soutenir la mission. [Nous donnons] l'argent maintenant afin que nous puissions partager les bénédictions maintenant.»

Adventist HealthCare workers pray during the Coronavirus pandemic

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

With all churches across the Columbia Union Conference physically closed due to the coronavirus, pastors and members changed—seemingly overnight— the way they minister. In addition to offering livestreamed or pre-recorded services, many churches and conferences moved planning meetings, Sabbath School classes and Bible studies to Zoom, Facebook Live or other digital video platforms.

Image by Mohamed_Hassan on Pixabay

1.The Columbia Union Conference partnered with the General Conference and North American Division to help fund $900,000 to support local conference outreach ministries, such as the community center at Pennsylvania Conference’s Grace Outlet church in Reading.

2.The Office of Ministries Development organized our first unionwide evangelism conference where we challenged pastors to employ the best methods for reaching today’s culture.