This Month's Issue

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La General Conference ha designado el 13 de abril como el Día de los Amigos de Esperanza o Día del Visitante. ¿Qué tipo de eventos inspirarían a un miembro de la comunidad a visitar su iglesia? 

  Aquí hay un par de eventos a considerar que están relacionados con las temporadas, además de un servicio amigable para los visitantes: 

  -Invitar a la comunidad a un sorteo de árboles jóvenes o plantas nativas (el Día de la Tierra es el 22 de abril) 

-Proporcionar un concierto que destaque los talentos musicales de su escuela adventista local. 

-Planifique una comida compartida o una demostración de cocina vegetariana saludable y distribuya recetas gratuitas. 

When Ellen White was a teenager, her family had to stand up for their beliefs. This resulted in them being forced to leave their church—a situation that was incredibly hard for the family. In 2024, grow closer to Jesus so that you’ll be strengthened when faced with tough situations.


Have you enjoyed the Adventist Heritage cartoons we’ve included in the Visitor magazine this past year? If so, the Ellen G. White Estate and Adventist Heritage Ministries has compiled The Story of Anna Rice, a book about the life of Anna Rice and 15 other pioneer adventurers from the beginning days of the Seventh-day Adventist movement.

The 2024 Columbia Union Conference Calendar, which is starting to arrive at homes, features the Columbia Union's strategic motto, "Empower, Equip, Engage," as a call to action in 2024. Each month features Bible verses to remind readers of the important role they play in furthering the mission in their communities.

To order extra calendars for just the cost of shipping, call Pacific Press Publishing Association at (800) 545-2449.

Ben Robbins/Unsplash

Editorial by José D. Espósito

• A church family growing from 15 to 54 members after meeting the needs of community members and hosting an evangelistic series.

• A young girl requesting prayer for her grandpa and helping lead her family back to Christ.

• A member sharing his love of pickleball with others, resulting in hundreds of people finding fellowship and a safe place to discuss spiritual matters, while getting exercise.

• A pastor using his love of restoring cars to connect with his neighbors.

• A teacher praying for her students, impacting their spiritual walk for years to come.