Le Comité Exécutif de la Fédération de Chesapeake a récemment élu Jerry Lutz président de la Fédération de Chesapeake lors d'une réunion spéciale présidée par Dave Weigley, président de l’Union.
This Month's Issue
Historia de Anthony Baffi
Jonathan Carrillo se une a la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey como el nuevo pastor de las iglesias de Camden, Pine Hill, Gibbsboro company y Mt. Holly españolas.
Carrillo recibió su licenciatura en teología de la Universidad de Montemorelos (México). Se desempeñó como capellán en la Universidad de Navojoa y pastor asociado en la iglesia de Alamos y la Iglesia Central de Navojoa, antes de pasar a pastor en la Conferencia de las Montañas Rocosas.
Recientemente completó su M. Div. en el Seminario Teológico Adventista del Séptimo Día de la Universidad Andrews (Michigan). Le encanta dedicar su tiempo libre a la escritura. También ama la naturaleza e intenta escapar al aire libre siempre que sea posible.
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
Zina Johnson, choir director at Allegheny East Conference's Capitol Hill church in Washington, D.C., recently participated in the gospel musical Netflix docuseries, Voices of Fire. The series, produced by recording artist Pharrell Williams, follows his uncle, Ezekiel Williams, and a team of gospel leaders as they travel to Hampton Roads, Va., in search of talented singers to build a world class gospel choir.
Story by Jenevieve Lettsome & V. Michelle Bernard
Schools around the Columbia Union Conference are also striving to teach students about caring for the earth, using various activities such as installing solar panels and planting gardens.
Mountain View Conference’s Highland Adventist School in Elkins, W.Va., recently received a rain barrel from the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) Division of Water and Waste Management to help provide water for their greenhouse growing program.
Editorial by Jenevieve “Jenna” Lettsome
In what can be seen by many as a faith-destroying time, stories of answered prayer and God’s love continue to shield me, protect my faith and remind me that God still exists and is bigger than life itself.
Like many grateful believers before me—in the Bible and beyond Scripture—I am impressed to tangibly give back and praise God, not just for my life, but the lives and world around me.