This Month's Issue

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

En enero, el pastor y evangelista de toda la vida José Daniel Espósito Forciniti comenzó a servir como asistente del presidente para evangelismo en la Unión de Columbia.

Espósito dice: “Mi sueño y mi oración son que todas las iglesias, y los miembros de todas las edades, hagan del evangelismo su estilo de vida, lo que les brindará felicidad mientras impactan y transforman las comunidades que los rodean”.

En el puesto recientemente rediseñado, Espósito trabajará para brindar supervisión y capacitación, y creará un comité de evangelización para implementar los próximos planes e iniciativas.

Interview by Michelle Greene

Randy Fishell, the former and interim editor of Guide magazine, illustrated and wrote Tucker Digs In. In the fictional story, middle-schooler Tucker Barnes can’t wait to use his metal detector and find buried treasure. Tucker and his friends try to avoid bullies and learn how to treasure hunt while digging into the importance of prayer.

In our interview with Fishell, he shared where he found his inspiration for the book.

“If we’re going to give ourselves over to the service of God, then we best position ourselves to do so by caring for our bodies,” said C. J. Cousins, associate pastor
of Potomac Conference’s Vienna (Va.) church, speaking on spiritual health.

He suggests the following are 10 of the most spiritual things you can do:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Drink 64 oz. of water daily
  • Get eight hours of sleep Set healthy time and relationship boundaries
  • Guard your hearts against sin Embrace limits, recognizing you're not a machine
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Enjoy hobbies
  • Experience Sabbath rest
  • Take vacations regularly

Find out more by watching the full sermon below.