This Month's Issue

The Seventh-day Adventist mission team enjoys visiting Cuba (Noah Simpson is not pictured.)

Although Seventh-day Adventists were unable to worship openly in Cuba until recently, members from Potomac Conference’s Seabrook church in Lanham, Md., have ministered there for more than three years. And this summer, Seabrook church members Gavin Simpson, Noah Simpson and Audrey Clarke traveled with Margaret Cancelliere, a member from Pennsylvania Conference’s Pottstown church, and Kenton Rawlins, a member from Connecticut, for a third mission trip to Gibara, a small seaside town where they have worked for the past two years.

Story by Dawna-gene Milton and V. Michelle Bernard

Do you believe in a literal, six-day creation? Why or why not? Read more about this topic in the September Underscore article, and read responses from some of our Facebook followers below—and add your own.


Do you believe in a literal seven-day creation week? Why?

Posted by Columbia Union Visitor on Saturday, August 1, 2015

Posted by Columbia Union Visitor on Saturday, August 1, 2015

Read and share these stories from the September 2015 Visitor:

Is it possible to forgive your child’s murderer? In A Time to Forgive, Darold Bigger explores the closure only God could bring after the slaying of his daughter, Shannon Marie Bigger, a young intern at Washington Adventist Hospital in Silver Spring, Md. Bigger resides in Walla Walla, Washington where he attends Walla Walla University Church.

Interview by Dawna-gene Milton

Visitor: What made you want to share such a personal experience?