This Month's Issue

Photo by Dwight Sipler on Flickr
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Aaron Weber, director of vocational education at Pennsylvania Conference’s Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) in Hamburg, has overseen the school’s organic garden for five years. Don’t want to add more chemicals to the soil? Weber recently shared these tips for creating a greener garden:
  • Grow native plants and choose plants that will attract beneficial insects, which will reduce the amount of harmful bugs in the garden
  • Keep your garden area clean. Not having a lot of junk and garden debris around will reduce the habitat for harmful bugs
  • If you want to avoid using pesticides, try Neem Oil instead

Story by Tamyra Horst

Born in Calcutta, India, Kalyani Prakasam received bachelor degrees in Education and Teaching from the University of Calcutta (India). She taught school for 10 years in India before moving to the U.S., and has been teaching children at the Lehigh Valley Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School in Whitehall, Pa., for the past 42 years. She earned a Master of Education in 1983 and received her reading specialist certification in 1985.

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard | Fotos por Joksan Cedillo y Brian Tagalog

Más allá de las diferencias de comunicación, diferentes generaciones operan de diversas maneras. “De una generación a otra, siempre ha sido difícil”, dice Armando Miranda, Jr. (foto de la derecha), director asociado de Jóvenes para la División Norteamericana de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día y presentador en el encuentro de jóvenes adultos “Rise Up” de la Unión de Columbia. “Debemos tener cuidado de no poner toda esa tradición, lenguaje y cultura delante del mensaje del Evangelio. Tenemos que presentar de una manera en que nuestros jóvenes puedan entender a Dios”, agregó.