
Executive Secretary Celeste Ryan Blyden; President Dave Weigley; Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu

Editorial by Executive Secretary Celeste Ryan Blyden; President Dave Weigley; and Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu

If you say we are living in perilous and challenging times, times that try men’s souls, we agree. If you say we are living in the best and worst of times, we also agree. If you say we are living in the very last days of earth’s history, we most certainly agree.

Indeed, Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24:3–14 about the last days and the signs of His return are being fulfilled in our time. They dominate news headlines, posts and tweets.

Ben White/Unsplash

Editorial by Leona Bange

In a world of constant change, teachers in the Pennsylvania Conference have demonstrated that God’s love is consistent. Teachers continue to provide loving, caring, nurturing classroom environments that allow students to safely reintegrate into face-to-face learning. Laughter fills the hallways. Smiles are seen behind desks. Waves of singing bounce off classroom walls. And the sweet prayers of little children ascend daily in every school.

Raychel Sanner/Unsplash

Editorial by Carlos Portanova

Our world is in commotion: COVID-19, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the economic impact our world is facing. People are worried about their loved ones, their jobs and their lives. Some Christians depend on their own resources and energy to protect themselves instead of trusting in God. But His Word tells us what to do when we are facing a storm.

Aaron Burden/Unsplash

Editorial by Jerry Lutz

“For I know where I came from and where I am going” (John 8:14, NKJV).

Jesus made three things about Himself clear to those who questioned His identity or the veracity of His claims: He knew Who He was, to Whom He belonged, and where He was going. These three certainties, which Jesus often found the opportunity to articulate in His many encounters with doubters and critics, comprised the firm foundation of His earthly mission and ministry.