At the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee meeting today, Rob Vandeman, executive secretary of the Columbia Union, reported that as of June 30, membership in the Columbia Union is 144,207, an increase of .76 percent from March 31.
Columbia Union News
Although Seventh-day Adventists were unable to worship openly in Cuba until recently, members from Potomac Conference’s Seabrook church in Lanham, Md., have ministered there for more than three years. And this summer, Seabrook church members Gavin Simpson, Noah Simpson and Audrey Clarke traveled with Margaret Cancelliere, a member from Pennsylvania Conference’s Pottstown church, and Kenton Rawlins, a member from Connecticut, for a third mission trip to Gibara, a small seaside town where they have worked for the past two years.
Story by Dawna-gene Milton and V. Michelle Bernard
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Columbia Union Conference
La Unión auspicia capacitación del Ministerio de Salud
Historia por Carolina Ramos
Columbia Union Conference será anfitriona de “Creating a Vibrant Health Ministry” [creando un ministerio de salud vibrante] del 2 al 4 de octubre en Allegheny East Conference Center en Pine Forge, Pa. La capacitación completa abarcará la filosofía adventista de la salud y su ministerio, enfoques metodológicos y conocimientos básicos de salud para ser compartidos en las congregaciones y comunidades. Obtenga más detalles del anuncio en la página 14.