Columbia Union News

"It is God who works, who transforms the heart. ...We just want to not make it difficult and help them make their next step," shared Tim Madding, lead pastor of Potomac Conference's Beltsville's Ammendale and Tech Road campuses in Maryland.

Watch Madding's presentation at Columbia Union Conference's Transformational Evangelism event below.




Pastor Jennifer Deans speaks at Transformational Evangelism. Photo by Brian Tagalog

At the recent Transformational Evangelism conference, pastors from across the Columbia Union Conference gathered to grapple with several questions: What are the best methods to share the message? Whose job is it to evangelize? What is the missing element in many evangelism efforts? And is it really evangelism if you don’t make an appeal?

Read more here and watch presentations from the conference below:

Pastors from the Mountain View Conference pray during the Columbia Union Conference's Transformational Evangelism event. Photograph by Brian Tagalog

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photos by Brian Tagalog

Historically, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has relied heavily on old-style revival efforts, prophecy seminars in public spaces and other traditional forms of evangelism. In the last 20 years, popular speakers have transmitted their sermons to local churches via satellite—all to share the unique Seventh-day Adventist message.