Columbia Union News

At the first 2021–2026 Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee meeting, members gathered via Zoom to vote on several matters relating to upcoming business sessions involving the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

They voted to support the following motion:


WHEREAS, the General Conference Executive Committee has voted to convene a Special General Conference Session on January 18, 2022, Silver Spring, Maryland, for the sole purpose of amending the General Conference Constitution, Article V, by adding a new Sec. 4 to allow for electronic participation reading as follows:

 / Photo by Brian Tagalog

Story by Ricardo Bacchus

At the Columbia Union Conference 28th Quinquennial Constituency Meeting on May 23, delegates re-elected vice presidents Celeste Ryan Blyden, Frank Bondurant, Rubén A. Ramos and Donovan Ross, and also elected Lisa Saveikis Burrow to replace Wally Carson, who plans to retire at the end of this month.

After the votes, Dave Weigley, Columbia Union president, said the union is blessed with a dedicated team of leaders "with wonderful expertise to move the mission forward.”

Celeste Ryan Blyden Re-Elected to Lead Communication

The Columbia Union Executive Leadership team honors Walter Carson during the 28th Constituency Meeting. | Photo by Brian Tagalog

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

After 53 years practicing law, including 44 years representing the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Walter Carson, Columbia Union Conference vice president and General Counsel, plans to retire May 31. During his career, he represented various government agencies and worked in private practice, but found the greatest sense of purpose in working for the church.