Columbia Union News

Editorial by Donovan Ross

When I was in the classroom, one of my favorite verses for morning devotion was Proverbs 3:6–7: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” (NJKV). These verses reminded us that when we trust in God, we will be blessed by His direction. I’m still comforted by that reminder, especially as our Columbia Union Conference schools contend with the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

The Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee members met today, receiving reports from leaders throughout the territory. The group also set the values that will guide the committee and union through the remainder of the quinquennium. (See the priorities they recently voted on here.)

They approved:

We wholeheartedly embrace and strive to embody a spirit of Christlikeness that promotes:

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

At their quarterly meeting today, members of the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee voted to adopt guiding values for the remainder of the quinquennium. Committee members also received reports of mission from around the territory. 

Pardon Mwansa, vice chancellor of Rusangu University (Zambia) shared a worship thought with tips for successful leadership.  

“Structural system problems must be fixed structurally,” said Mwansa. “Abraham and Lot loved each other, but they needed more land/space for their animals. That problem wasn’t solved like a personal one, but they solved it by adjusting their territories. You, as a leader, are in a position to identify what are governance problems and solve them by governance.” 

Members from the Potomac Conference's Beltsville Broncos attend the North American Division PBE

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Five Columbia Union Conference teams including Pathfinders and volunteers from Potomac Conference's Beltsville Broncos (pictured) traveled to Eugene, Oregon to participate in the North American Division's Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) event last weekend. Six other teams participated virtually.

Seven of those teams placed first. Two placed second, and two placed third. Sherilyn O'Ffill, the Columbia Union Conference PBE coordinator reports that three teams are currently under review and could receive higher placements.