Allegheny West Conference

Story by John Boston / Originally published on

“If the church only serves its members it’s not a church, it’s a club.” This is a statement that drives my leadership and all of the initiatives of our local church. At the church I serve we have been working hard on making sure we serve with Matthew 25 in mind. One of those points in particular is “I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matt. 25:36 There are probably hundreds of prison ministry initiatives in North America but I don’t think there are any like the one we have seen God build in Columbus, Ohio.

Former Councilwoman Deborah A. Hill recently published "The Power of Encouragement" Determinations That Define Your Destiny.

Her book shares encouragement and how your dreams with God's help can take you from your history into your destiny. Hill is an Elder at The Southeast Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Cleveland, Ohio. The book can be purchased,, and barnes & Visit her website at

Story by Tiffany Doss

“We are here, because talking saves lives,” said Jose Rojas at the opening of We Stand For All, a forum at Potomac Conference’s Sligo church in Takoma Park, Md., designed to discuss if the church should have a role in social justice—a question that has become more prevalent following a rally on the National Mall where nearly 1,000 Adventists stood together for prayer and peace

Yesterday Allegheny West Conference's Hilltop Community Worship Center and the Westside Community Health Advisory Committee convened a Safety Forum for the public at the church at 2622 Sullivant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43223.

The forum came as a response to the serial rapes and gang tagging that occurred in the neighborhood in late May. “With summer coming, we want to discuss ways the community can stay safe when more people are outside,” according to Jason Ridley, Hilltop’s pastor and Dru Bagley, chair of WCHAC.

Napoleon Bell, a former police officer and a former director for the City of Columbus Community Relations Commission, moderated the Forum.