
Listening to a group of middle- to high school-aged girls talking in the potluck line,  Jeanene Medley, a member of Potomac Conference's Capital Memorial church in Washington, D.C., heard a small voice ask, “Who is taking these girls under their wing?” It was in this moment that Medley felt called to develop a mentorship program built on the pillars of faith, empowerment, love and sisterhood.

Story by the Visitor Staff

How is the coronavirus impacting life, mission and ministry? How are Seventh-day Adventist members, pastors and leaders in the Columbia Union Conference coping with the disruption and uncertainty? And, despite this crisis, how many are continuing to experience the mission of sharing Christ’s message of hope and wholeness around the union?

These questions will be the subject of a new series of conversations themed “Coping in the Time of Covid-19,” beginning Thursday, April 2, at 7:30 p.m., and can be viewed at

Image of jesus_23 by James Shepard via Flickr

Historia por Jorge Agüero

La Gran Comisión de Jesús en Mateo 28:18–20 destaca tres verbos importantes: id, haced (discípulos) y enseñar.

Sin embargo, id, haced y enseñar requiere pasos preliminares para cumplir con éxito el mandato de Dios. Jesús no incluyó estos tres pasos en su mandato porque estaba implícito que, al final de su ministerio de tres años, sus discípulos ya los conocían:

Image of Master and Disciples by John Fowler via Flickr

Editorial by Jorgue Aguero

The Great Commission of Jesus in Matthew 28:18–20 highlights three important verbs: go, make (disciples) and teach. However, to go, make and teach requires preliminary steps to successfully fulfill God’s command.

Jesus did not include these three steps in his mandate because it was implicit that, by the end of His three-year ministry, His disciples were well-acquainted with them:

Image by Paul Townsend via Flickr

Editorial by Terry Forde

This week I’ve been thinking about heroes.

My earliest heroes were not people from TV or even storybooks; they were Bible characters like David, Daniel, Esther, and the “Three Worthies” who were thrown into the burning fiery furnace—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego!

I loved the stories about these heroes and what they stood for. It seemed as if there was nothing that they were afraid of. In today’s environment, I find myself thinking about them again and again.

Image by Tumisu on Pixabay

Editorial por Terry Forde, presidente y CEO, Adventist HealthCare

Mis primeros héroes no eran personajes de la televisión o de revistas de cuentos. Fueron los personajes de la Biblia —David, Daniel, Ester, los tres jovencitos que fueron echados al horno encendido: Ananías, Azarías y Misael.

Me encantaban sus historias y la razón de las mismas. Me parecía que no había nada a lo que tuviesen miedo. En el ambiente actual, no puedo dejar de pensar en ellos.

Members from the Allegheny West and Ohio conferences pray and receive instructions before going out to “Food Fight.”

Story by Benia Jennings

It’s 3 p.m. and 15 cars fill the parking spaces at the Central church in Columbus, Ohio. Teenagers, young adults and older adults gather together, ready to serve the large homeless population on the Westside of downtown Columbus. The group carries hot meals, clothing, hygiene packages, literature, Bibles, bus passes and gas cards with them, and they make it a point to pray with everyone they meet.

Chaplain Ariel Matira and nurses at Adventist HealthCare White Oak Medical Center find ways to support one another through prayer even with social distancing.

Story by Adventist HealthCare Staff

As a healthcare organization serving the Washington, D.C., region, Adventist HealthCare is on the front lines during this uncertain and difficult time, providing care and comfort when people need it the most. The Mission of Adventist HealthCare, to extend God’s care through the ministry of physical, mental and spiritual healing, has never been more important as we face this challenge of caring for the community we serve.

Image by sspiehs3 on Pixabay

Will Johns, Pastor of Potomac Conference's Beltsville church's Tech Road Campus in Silver Spring, Md., shared the following message, encouraging us to care for our souls during this tough time.

I have been thinking about this question: What is the best way to respond to what we are currently facing? I think the answer to that question for me is soul care.

Let me explain what I mean.