
Columbia Union Conference president Dave Weigley speaks during the Fall 2017 Annual Council meeting

Story and photo by Adventist Review Staff/Adventist News Network

Following nearly six hours of discussion and debate, a majority of members of the Executive Committee of the General Conference (GC) of Seventh-day Adventists voted during their Annual Council meeting to send a document entitled Procedures for Reconciliation and Adherence in Church Governance: Phase II, back to the Unity in Mission Oversight Committee for further review. 

Photo by thierry ehrmann on Flickr

Washington Adventist University’s 39th G. Arthur Keough Lectureship recently commemorated the fifth centennial of the Reformation (1517 – 2017). Aleksandar S. Santrac, professor of Religion and Chair of the Washington Adventist University Department of Religion, was the featured speaker.

The first lecture (below), The Legacy of Martin Luther’s Sola Scriptura,” re-examines the ecumenical and postmodern dimensions of the legacy of Luther’s Sola Scriptura principle, the reformer’s revolutionary teaching that the Scriptures are the sole infallible rule of faith and practice.


Photo by Mike Steele on Flickr

Story by WAU Staff

Marie-Claire Kaberamanzi, a second-year nursing major at Washington Adventist University in Takoma Park, Md., recently presented at the United Nations General Assembly. The event, “Financing the Future: Education 2030,” focused on the education crisis currently affecting 260 million youth who are not receiving an instruction. Kaberamanzi spoke during the session on girl’s education and the importance of getting them into school.

Photo by ADRA Staff

Story by ADRA Staff

ADRA’s emergency response team is currently responding to multiple major emergencies around the world, including Hurricanes Irma and Maria in the Caribbean, back to back earthquake in Mexico, devastating floods in Nepal, and the Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh.

The following links will take you the latest information on each crisis. These pages are updated as often as possible, so please check back for more information. Links to donate are also included in each update and below, and you can also donate to our emergency fund in response to all current disasters at

William Levin (middle with cap), pastor of Akron First, and his wife, Jan, lead their church members in the "Walk to Stop Hunger" campaign

Story by Sue Kirschbaum

Earlier this year, nearly 45 members of the Akron First church participated in the “Walk to Stop Hunger.” A total of 229 walkers raised $9,263.51 to benefit the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank, which services eight counties around Akron and Canton. About 20 percent of the amount was raised by Akron church sponsors.

Jerry (center), pictured with Johnny and Stacey, donates blood during the blood drive.

Story by Jerry Woods

In the days following Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the Red Cross in the capital region sent the majority of their blood supply to Texas and Florida. That left a major shortage in the Washington D.C. area. That’s when the American Red Cross turned to the WGTS 91.9 family to help meet the need.

On September 15th WGTS, based in Takoma Park, Md., hosted a blood drive all afternoon at the American Red Cross Chapter in Silver Spring, Md. In just six hours WGTS listeners gave enough blood to stock the entire DC area for a month.