Ohio Conference

Campers relax by the fire at the 2022 Young Adult Retreat.

Editorial by Edward Marton

Another year has come to a close, and we can honestly say that God has not only been with us but has truly led and blessed the children, high school youth, young adults and adults of Ohio.

Reflecting on the year, we had quite a few “firsts.” Some firsts are returning to Camp Mohaven in Danville, Ohio, for Adventurer and Pathfinder events. Other firsts are beginning an organizational culture shift, turning “the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents” (Mal. 4:6, NIV).

Story by Courtney Dove

Kettering College has been awarded a grant aimed at creating and implementing a comprehensive education program for community health workers in Dayton, Ohio. The funding will be effective immediately through September of 2025, awarding $1,847,399 to the university.  

Community health workers (CHWs) are grassroots health workers who live in the communities they serve. They work with their friends, families, and neighbors to bring reliable health information and services to under-resourced communities. This is especially true for communities that are predominately minorities. 

Historia de Kasper Houghton, Jr.

El personal del Campamento Mohaven solo tuvo unos minutos para reaccionar cuando los tornados arrasaron recientemente la propiedad en Danville, Ohio.

“Gracias a la misericordia de Dios y su profesionalismo, todos los campistas, el personal y las personas que estaban en el lugar escaparon sanos y salvos”, dicen los líderes del campamento y centro de retiros de la Conferencia de Ohio.

El presidente de la Conferencia de Ohio, Bob Cundiff, agrega: “El personal de nuestro campamento de verano hizo un trabajo excelente durante esta crisis. Ejecutaron el plan de acción de emergencia del Campamento Mohaven sin problemas, apresurando a todos a un lugar seguro, a tiempo”.

Ohio Conference, Gennadii Kasap, Andrei Shamray, Cleveland Slavic SDA Church

Story by Kasper Haughton, Jr. 

“This is the first time I have heard the Word of God preached in my native language!” Nina spoke with her new pastor, tears welling up in her eyes. “We immigrated to the United States many years ago and found out about Adventism from friends. Since then, every sermon I have heard has been through a translator until today! How beautiful the Word is!”