Chesapeake Conference

New Hope member Monika Korff (right) provides a medical screening to a Grenadian.

Story by Evan Knott

Twenty-two members from the New Hope church in Fulton, Md., recently embarked on a mission trip to Grenada, aimed at not only providing immediate services but also building ongoing relationships with the local Grenadian community.

In collaboration with the Grenadian Conference, the New Hope team hosted three health fairs, offering locals free medical screenings and consultations. To ensure that every family member could benefit, the team also provided kids’ programming.

Senior Asha Caruthers and sophomore Elisa Muñoz attend the annual spiritual retreat.

Story by Tim Soper

The start of a school year brings new challenges, opportunities and stresses. Establishing a solid foundation for success is paramount. Hence, the high schoolers at Chesapeake Conference's Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA) began their school year at SAA’s annual high school spiritual retreat, focusing together on the promise found in Philippians: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (4:13, NKJV).

Story by Evan Knott

Members of the Chesapeake Conference Executive Committee recently voted to appoint Shelvan Arunan as associate Ministerial director, creating a new position aimed at providing additional support and training resources for pastors and local church leaders.

Arunan, an experienced pastor, chaplain and counselor, with doctorates in Pastoral Counseling and Family and Organizational Psychology, most recently served as the pastor of the Calvary Southern Asian and Mizo churches in Burtonsville, Md.