Who We Are, How We Serve

The Columbia Union Conference coordinates the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s work in the Mid-Atlantic United States, where 150,000 members worship in 860 congregations. We provide administrative support to eight conferences; two healthcare networks; 81 early childhood, elementary and secondary schools; a liberal arts university; a health sciences college; a 49 community services centers; 8 camps; 5 book and health food stores and a radio station.

Mission Values Priorities

We Believe

God is love, power, and splendor—and God is a mystery. His ways are far beyond us, but He still reaches out to us. God is infinite yet intimate, three yet one,
all-knowing yet all-forgiving.

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Story by Elaine and Jim Buchanan

Wanting to help speed up the building project for his church, member Gary Kasekamp, 74, embarked on a cross-country bike trip this summer.

Mountain View Conference’s Cumberland (Md.) church members have been in the process of building a church and community center facility for four years. The outside is basically finished, but the inside still consists of 2 x 4s. Dedicated to staying out of debt, members save money for each phase of the project, then complete it. They still need $300,000 to complete the project.

HVA's music students create the "River Jordan" music video.

Story by Lori Zerne

For several years, David Niño, the Chesapeake Conference Highland View Academy’s (HVA) music director, has pondered how to share with the rest of the world what he and his students do in the classroom.

Traditionally, the music curriculum emphasizes music standards that focus on students’ artistic, cognitive, creative and spiritual aspects. While the goal is always to provide a sound educational program, HVA also generates valuable opportunities for students to make an impact on the lives of others.

Jerry Lutz, executive secretary for the Chesapeake Conference, baptizes a seminar attendee during a mission trip to Roatan, Honduras.

Story by Andre Hastick

Earlier this year, a team of 15 Chesapeake Conference pastors embarked on a mission trip to Roatan, Honduras, to share the Adventist message of hope. Daily meetings were held at 16 sites throughout the island, where each pastor delivered sermons from the Revelation Today series, sharing the hope and promise of Christ’s return. Pastors visited and prayed with members and visitors, held nightly meetings sharing biblical doctrines, while calling all in attendance to give their hearts to Jesus.